Skipper Zac Metcalfe praises Scarborough Pirates after home win against Bears

Scarborough Pirates show off their new kit

PHOTO BY TCF PHOTOGRAPHYScarborough Pirates show off their new kit

Scarborough Pirates show off their new kit PHOTO BY TCF PHOTOGRAPHY
Scarborough Pirates captain Zac Metcalfe has hailed his side’s memorable 40-12 victory on Saturday against Bilton Bears.

The Pirates, playing their first home game in three years, bounced back from the previous week’s defeat and Metcalfe was absolutely delighted with the performance.

He said: “After the previous week and not getting the result we wanted, to go out and get a victory is amazing.

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“We worked hard in training and everything just seemed to click for us on Saturday and it was an unbelievable feeling for everyone involved.”

Debutant James Long ran in two tries on his debut for the club, with Tom Read and Metcalfe also scoring a try apiece.

Jordan Palliser, Marcus Paddock and Alex Paddock also scored tries to round off a comprehensive victory for the home side.

Metcalfe has now challenged his players to continue that level of performance and not let their standards drop.

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“Just because we’ve done it once, doesn’t mean that we let go now and we need to continue to work hard in training.

“There’s no reason at all why we can’t work even harder and surpass the levels that we reached on Saturday.

“Obviously, we’re only three games in and there’s still some rust about but we want to continue to put in good performances.”