Wildlife Trust 'urgently needs' Yorkshire coast residents help with campaign to 'Give Seas a Chance'

The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust said seabirds such as kittiwakes are rapidly declining in numbers. Picture by Simon HulmeThe Yorkshire Wildlife Trust said seabirds such as kittiwakes are rapidly declining in numbers. Picture by Simon Hulme
The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust said seabirds such as kittiwakes are rapidly declining in numbers. Picture by Simon Hulme
The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) is running a campaign to 'Give Seas a Chance', warning that ‘we have 10 years to turn the tide or Yorkshire’s seas could fall silent forever’.

Along the Yorkshire Coast the YWT said there is a world of wonder amongst and under the waves.

The charity is now asking local residents to help turn the tide by donating to the initiative

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It said: “From the tops of our puffin-filled cliffs to the bottom of the seabed, the vast North Sea is one of Yorkshire’s great and most iconic landscapes.

"Yorkshire’s coast and seas are home to breathtaking wildlife spectacles.

"From our soaring coastal clifftops where colourful puffins care for their young, to the foaming waves where playful dolphins leap, to the kelp forests and carbon-storing seagrass meadows, and down to the depths where ancient wonders like ocean quahogs live.

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"Tragically, our marine wildlife is a shadow of what it was 75 years ago.

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"Seabirds such as kittiwakes are rapidly declining in numbers (40% since the 1970s), and a search along the seashore is now more likely to uncover plastic bottle tops and tangled rope than pretty seashells.

"But hope is not lost. We have the solutions needed to halt and reverse this decline now.

"With your help in another 75 years Yorkshire’s waters could once again be filled with giant wonders such as Atlantic bluefin tuna.

“We urgently need your help to turn the tide before it’s too late.”

Go to www.ywt.org.uk/give-seas-a-chance to donate to the Give Seas a Chance campaign.